A Little Bit About Us

Our Mantra

The perception of marijuana and cannabis products is swiftly evolving, shedding its former stigma. Once solely associated with recreational use, extensive research has unveiled the myriad health benefits of CBD, cannabis, and medical marijuana.

Natural cannabis products offer unparalleled advantages, including anxiety and stress reduction, enhanced sleep quality, pain and inflammation management, and effective mood disorder treatment.

Cloud Bound stands out with its premium range of edibles, surpassing other wholesale suppliers with an unparalleled variety.

The Benefits

Reducing inflammation

CBD has been proven to help reduce inflammation and the neuropathic pain it can cause

Treating anxiety disorders

CBD has emerged as a popular remedy for anxiety, addressing a widespread affliction among individuals. According to a preclinical study, CBD demonstrated potential effectiveness in alleviating various anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Lowering Blood Pressure

study carried out by JCI Insight revealed that CBD had a notable effect on the blood pressure of human subjects. It not only decreased their resting blood pressure but also mitigated the rise in blood pressure following stress-inducing tasks such as mental arithmetic, isometric exercise, and the cold pressor test.

Preventing seizures

Extensive research spanning decades has focused on utilizing CBD for the treatment of epilepsy and other seizure syndromes. A recent study has provided promising evidence indicating that CBD can yield positive outcomes by alleviating symptoms and reducing the frequency of seizures.

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